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Lament of a Modern American Woman – please join the choir

Today, American men are sitting in the waiting room while the women give birth to a new nation.

Divorce in California

During a visit to California, I witnessed the end results of a mismatch which has spawned a divorce.  Though I have been divorced twice, my divorces were not the result of a simple mismatch, but of abuse and mental illness, so they are no yardstick for measuring the California system, but I’m qualified to giveContinue reading “Divorce in California”

Nothing is lonelier than a bad marriage

From inside a warm, supportive marriage (preceded by two divorces), I am being reminded these days that nothing is as lonely as a bad marriage. The person who once embodied your dreams has become an empty husk, turning to them becomes a masochistic punishment, yet there is nowhere else to go. In a crumbling marriage,Continue reading “Nothing is lonelier than a bad marriage”